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  • Writer's pictureCheryl Hilton

Help! I Want to Sell My Home!

So you need to sell your home…..

Whether you are being relocated for your company, or you found the ideal home (either downsizing, growing) found the perfect location, or are you building…the bottom line is- YOU WANT TO SELL! And timely, AND for the best price (of course!)

There are a few things you will want to consider before placing your home on the market.

It may be hard to be objective about your beautiful home, the place where you may have built, or fixed, or raised your family, or made memories in, but the hardest part may be realizing its value objectively. It is sometimes hard to do that realistically and without emotion. One of the smartest things you could do to help with this process is to enlist a real estate agent or REALTOR® to help you. You do not want to list your home starting with too high of a price and then adjust it downward - it gives the wrong impression and looks desperate. Conversely, you do not want to price too low so that you lose out on its equity and value. A listing agent has the experience and knowledge to help you with a fair price, and will do a market analysis for the area, helping you to come up with your home priced at the right amount to sell! (You can get an idea or “zestimates” as on Zillow, or other type sites, but many times those prices are higher than the actual listing value, as some of that info is not complete or accurate since it is not formally listed.) Ultimately, it’s a willing buyer who “sets” the price, but keep in mind what price you require to receive as you are setting your budget, especially if you are purchasing another home. It’s a good idea to have a mortgage pay off balance accessible to help you decide on a “must have” price. (Be sure to include your closing costs and expenses when setting your budget.)

When finding a real estate agent or REALTOR® that you are comfortable working with, as this will be a partnership, be honest and negotiate the commission. (Every commission is negotiable.) It is usually best to list exclusively, and rely on the suggestions and the wealth of information from that agent. That professional will guide you through the process.

You are going to want to put your home in its best light!! You might want to declutter or get rid of some furniture that is not needed. (Let the buyers have room to imagine living there.) There are times when your agent might suggest some paint, or updates in lighting fixtures, or cabinet hardware, or outdoor fixes to add curb appeal or some other changes that might highlight an aspect of your home.

Then there are times when it might not be best to invest the money in changing or modernizing something that will cost more than you will recover from your sale. Listen to the advice of the agent! That experience and advice is why you have enlisted one!

Ask your agent about a pre-sale home inspection. If there are things that you can fix based on your pre-sale report, it could possibly save a deal later on (as that will NOT show up on a buyer’s inspection report!)

Are you comfortable with having an Open House? If your home is in an area where there is much traffic, you might attract more interest for an Open House; however, for your personal situation, maybe that is too much of an imposition to your life. Perhaps you would rather have showings by appointment only. You may need to alter your decision if you are not getting interest, but discuss with your agent what your needs are to make this process go smoothly. (Sometimes a one day imposition might be less difficult than accommodating many individual appointments, especially if it generates a lot of interest and potential buyers viewing your home.)

Ask to view the pictures that your agent is posting to be sure they are professional and showing how beautiful your home looks - with beautiful color and styling. A beautifully staged home certainly gets more interest! And when your home is listed online, be sure to review and check for any accidental errors in the information.

When your offers start pouring in, make sure to respond quickly to your agent with your thoughts on the offer. Whether you choose to reject, counter or accept, it helps everyone if you make up your mind quickly and keep your responses to your agent timely - so that response gets passed to the buyer’s agent, to keep things moving.

When you sell your home, what will happen to you when it has sold? Are you prepared and ready to move? Have you engaged movers - especially if you are moving in the spring (which is considered “prime” or busy moving season.) Are you moving to an apartment, another home, building a home? Is your timeline set, and do you have a contingency plan - just in case of delays? Selling while buying can be difficult, so it’s best to have your timeline and plan decided, as best as possible, and make the adjustments necessary.

To get yourself from selling successfully to moving - hire a professional, and be informed to give yourself the best advantage for your next adventure!

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